Thursday, April 16, 2009

Minty Fresh Love Fest

Germany severely lacks good quality mints. Being a regular muncher of white sweets ever since I was a boy of 14 (other boy ages are available, and quite possible more accurate) it was quite a shock to me that the only German mint that came anywhere close to what the UK has to offer were the Polo-esque Vivol. These are not bad, however Polos aren’t my favourite mints and therefore these could not do as a permanent replace-mint (see what I did there?). Mentos are sold here, but like the Soft Mint, these “chewies” are no good to me. I have now taken to stuffing my suitcase full of my favourite mint, the extremely underrated “XXX”. Solid, perfect size, and not too chalky, just right for that after meal freshener. Although XXX are by far the best mints, Extra Strong Mints and Polos are also very good and often come to the rescue when my favourite mints are unavailable.

To accompany my crunchy mints, I also carry minty chewing gum wherever I go. Without rival, “Extra” chewing gum are the Kings of all chewing gum. Germany have several versions of this superior gum, however, in typical fashion, my favourite is not sold here. Peppermint is its name and it is a very British breed. Sold in a strong sky blue packet it sure packs a minty punch (I don’t get commission here by the way). It’s outer coating of crisp perfection and chewy delight leaves a far longer and more satisfying sensation in the mouth than any other gum around. Some fools brandish Airwaves around as if they are the bees knees, and yes, as first taste they can air out your mouth like no other. However, after 3 minutes they have died out, pathetically surrendering to be spat into a smelly bin like a cheap prostitute. Worry not with Extra gum. 5 minutes can go by, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and they are still as wonderful. They last me my journey home. They can get me through that gap before ordering my next beer (on “poor days” or days where a lot of drink will be ingested). They will not disappoint. They will help you. Let me know your masticating preferences.

I am a big sweet fan in general; it’s not just the mint. However, mints are essential to me in a cigarette type way.

Non-sweet related info: Last time I mentioned starting “Grey Hair Watch”. I realise now that this might be slightly foolhardy as it’s not as though grey hairs are sprouting all over my head at a rate of knots. Although they are actually growing left right and centre, there are (at latest count) 2 on the left side, one on the right side and about 4 in the middle. Interest over, I’m sure you’d agree. Of course, if this does change in some freakishly, Crash Test Dummies “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm” type way, I will note the updates (more for my own amusement than for anyone else’s). Although, as mentioned previously, if I were to post once every ten years, that could be thought of as a regular feature…as if I were being imprisoned with each passing decade (see Kezboard problems & painting on canvi).

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